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Discussion:Terre du Nord

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Changement de nom

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Trouvée sur le Wiki anglophone mais sur l'article sur la péninsule de Païmyr et non-signée une information sur la dé-soviétisation de toponymes russes de l'Arctique :

Resolution approved December 1, 2006 - the archipelago "Severnaya Zemlya" has been renamed as "arkhipelag Zemlya Imperatora Nikolaia II" in honor of Emperor Nicholas II; the island "Maly Taimyr" is renamed as the island of the Tsarevich Alexy; the island "October Revolution" is renamed as the island of St. Alexandra; the island "Bolshevik" is renamed as the island of St. Olga; the island "Komsomoletz" is renamed as the island of St. Maria; the island "Pioneer" is renamed as the island of St. Tatiana; the island "Domashny" is renamed as the island of St. Anastasia.

Sous (grande) réserve que cette information soit exacte cela signifierait que l'archipel reprend les noms du dernier Tsar Nicolas II de Russie et de ses enfants donc :

Rien trouvé sur le Net mais affaire à suivre. TCY 3 décembre 2006 à 16:47 (CET)[répondre]

Trouvé sur le site d'Interfax, l'agence de presse russe :

Moscow, December 1, Interfax - The Duma of Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenetsk) Autonomous District resolved Friday to return the names of the members of the Emperor Nicholas II’ family to some islands in the North Ocean.

The document received by Interfax says in particular that the North Land Archipelago is renamed the Land of Emperor Nicholas II Archipelago.

The deputies explained their initiative by the necessity ‘to restore historical justice and immortalize the memory of the Romanovs who had made Russia a world power for 305 years of their reign.’

The Maly Taimyr island is to be renamed the island of Tsesarevich Alexis, the October Revolution island - the island of St. Alexandra; the Bolshevik island - the island of St. Olga; the Komsomolets island - the island of St. Mary; the Pioneer island - the island of St. Tatiana; and the Domashny island - the island of St. Anastasia.

The proposal to rename the islands will be sent to the Russian government and the Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography for expertise.

C'est donc la Douma de Taïmyrie qui a décidé de renommer les îles mais il doit y avoir encore l'accord du gouvernement et de l'administration russe, même si certains sites de cartographie ont déja adopté les nouveaux noms ! [1]. TCY 4 décembre 2006 à 00:38 (CET)[répondre]